
meet tracy

I’ve heard the statistic that every two minutes, we take more pictures than the whole of humanity in the 1800s.

This makes sense, as when I was a kid, photography was an expensive hobby! The cost of developing and buying film was not cheap. Kids these days are lucky, as cameras are everywhere, and they have so many opportunities to pursue photography as a profession, as a hobby, and as a passion.

My tip is to learn the rules of photography and then don’t be afraid to break them.”

I believe there are two main facets of photography that kids (and adults!) should learn to truly begin to understand the art of photography- the Creative/Composition Aspect, and the Technical Aspect.* DSLR and Mirrorless cameras are a bit more complicated than simple digital cameras and typically have more settings and interchangeable lenses. If you have any questions about what your camera is, please do not hesitate to contact

Technical Aspects of Photography

Cameras have so many great features and too often people stick their expensive cameras on “auto” and click away.  They end up slightly dissatisfied with their images and wonder why their $800 camera does not create the beautiful image they have in their head.  

Photography Concepts that will be taught:

  • Cameras and Lenses: basic DSLR controls and operation, different camera modes and how/when they should be used. An introduction to different types of lenses and how/why they might be used in various situations

  • Exposure: Accurate Exposure is the basis of any great image. How to tell if an image is under or over exposed and when it might be OK to under or expose parts of an image.

  • Depth of Field: How and when to use a shallow or wide depth of field. Learn to control your camera’s aperture to use depth of field creatively

  • Focal Points. How to tell your camera exactly what part of a scene to focus on

  • Shutter Speed and ISO: How and when to stop movement or capture motion

  • Manual Exposure: Students will “put it all together” and learn how to get their cameras off of Auto mode and to shoot in Manual

Creative/Composition Aspects of Photography

Students will be exposed to various composition techniques such as: 

  • Leading lines

  • Negative space

  • Repeating elements

  • Fill the frame

  • Reflections

  • Framing your subject

  • Rule of Thirds

  • Symmetry and Patterns

  • Contrast and Texture

Through hands on activities like photo scavenger hunts and "painting with light" children will complete the camp excited and motivated to start a lifelong journey in the art of photography!

*Tracy’s profile image above was taken by the fabulous Pinkletoes photography